Why I was wrong about Hamas
Support of Hamas is not at the heart of the protest movements of the west
In the months following the horrific attack of 7 October, 2023, I became a tireless campaigner in support of Israel and the Jewish people.
I posted, frequently and relentlessly, on social media – constantly providing facts which countered the disinformation, dishonesty and hypocrisy of the international media, the UN and various government and non-government players.
I published a detailed Q&A (www.ashleychurch.com/israel-and-hamas-the-facts/) which outlines the truth about the events which led up to the 7 October attack.
I accepted every invitation to speak to groups and media.
I even visited Israel to see the reality of the attacks for myself.
And I fought hard (along with others) to ensure that western protesters were described as ‘pro-Hamas’ rather than ‘pro Palestine’.
I did this (with some success) because I believed that it was important that those who did not know the facts of the conflict understood that very little of what we have seen has anything to do with the Palestinian people; that it has all been in support of the greater objectives of the terrorist organisation, Hamas; and that, therefore, those who were marching in the streets of the west were simply puppets of Hamas and its horrific goals.
But I was wrong.
Before you do a double take and wonder if the world has gone mad (it has, but for other reasons) – I should stress that my opinion of Hamas itself has not changed at all. It is still the innately evil, demonic, organisation that we all understand it to be and its foot soldiers and leadership still have a pending appointment in hell – but I now understand that it is not support of Hamas that drives the protests in the west.
Nor is it support for Hezbollah in Lebanon. Nor the Houthis in Yemen. Nor any of the other emerging terrorist movements in that part of the world. It isn’t even support for the Iranian regime which acts as the ultimate puppet master to all of these.
No, the protests in the west are driven by something even more terrifying:
Islamic Extremism.
And therein lies the dirty little truth that no one – certainly not our media and politicians – wants to own up to.
To be clear, Islamic Extremism is not the same thing as what the vast majority of Muslims believe and live by. I reject every aspect of the Islamic Faith in the same way that I utterly reject Catholicism, Mormonism and a host of other beliefs that lead people away from faith in Jesus Christ – but I also understand that the overwhelming bulk of adherents of Islam and these other beliefs systems are decent people just trying to make their own sense of what life is about.
This is best evidenced, in the Middle East, by the fact that many Arab nations have now either normalised their relations with Israel, or are in the process of doing so, and that their focus is on trade and interdependent security.
But this could not be more different to the goal of Islamic Extremism which openly seeks to subjugate, first the western world, and ultimately the entire planet, to a barbaric form of stone-age tribalism where freedom of thought is dead, no dissent is tolerated, women are reduced to being nothing more than vessels for sex and breeding (at ages as young as 5 or 6), and infractions of this barbarity are punished with beheading.
So when ideologically compromised students, left wing activists and the impressionable children who populate the newsrooms of the west defend the actions of these animals and attacks on Israel and the Jewish people – THIS is what they’re defending.
When ‘Queers for Palestine’ scream their contempt for Israel and the Jews and chant the mindless mantra ‘from the river to the sea’ – they’re defending an ideology that hates them and would prioritise their swift beheading ahead of all others, except perhaps the Jews.
When UN member nations and politicians of the left support motions to censure and isolate Israel – they’re enabling a movement which regards them as ‘useful idiots’ and would dispense with them as soon as their usefulness had expired.
And while all of this is happening, the nations of the west are opening their doors to the purveyors of this evil – either under the guise of ‘freedom of religion’, or as a result of immigration policies which pay little attention to the growing tide of Islamic extremism which is building in certain pockets of the Middle East from whence some of these immigrants are drawn.
And at the centre of it all, one nation – Israel – is standing almost alone as the vanguard for the west, acting as the last bulwark against this extremism and (for now) keeping the focus of its aggression on the Middle East.
The destruction of Israel isn’t the ultimate goal of Islamic Extremism – its merely the first step in a well signaled strategy which would then move to the conquest of Europe and, beyond that, the rest of the world.
And remember – these aren’t the hysterical claims of some wild-eyed prophet of over-egged doom – they’re simply a repeating of countless public statements made by the Islamic Extremists themselves.
As such – those who march in support of, advocate for, and seek to further arm this insanity are not just enabling terrorism – they are, in a very real sense, terrorists themselves.
But what should the nations of the west be doing to counter this? Here are a few ideas for starters:
▶️Outlaw any of the Protest Groups which openly support Islamic Extremism through any of its various proxies (this would include almost ALL of the various bodies currently coordinating the various anti-Israel protest movements and marches around the world).
▶️Designate anyone who participates in any of these groups as a ‘domestic terrorist’ (this is no longer a ‘free speech’ issue – it is now an internal security issue for all western nations).
▶️Deport any of these who are not citizens.
▶️Include media in these measures – and pass legislation requiring media balance in coverage of the conflict.
▶️Recognise Israel’s role as the defender of the free world and move to support it in any way possible.
Do I believe that any of this will happen? Of course not! In fact I have reason to believe that (despite some sanity in Trumps USA) most of the western world will continue its suicidal slide into self sabotage by supporting, and welcoming in, the very forces that want to destroy it.
But make no mistake – this conflict was never about Hamas, Gaza, the fictitious ‘nation’ of Palestine, or a territorial dispute over a tiny sliver of land on the eastern Mediterranean. It is an existential battle for the preservation of the western way of life versus a return to barbarism – and rather than giving our unconditional support to the only nation that stands between us and carnage on our doorsteps, we’re actively supporting and enabling the very barbarians who want to destroy our lifestyle and take the world back to the stone age.
You have been warned….
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