Author: Ashley Church

Using Orwellian language to attack Israel

Ashley Church- 15/04/2024

George Orwell introduced 'Newspeak' - a fictional language designed to limit critical thinking. Read More

The real obstacle to a Palestinian state

Ashley Church- 12/04/2024

Putting aside the fact that granting statehood to a Palestinian state, right now, would be tantamount to rewarding terrorism - the claim that such a ... Read More

Is the Israeli resolve weakening?

Ashley Church- 11/04/2024

There are concerns that the Israeli public has had enough. Read More

A light in the woke darkness

Ashley Church- 10/04/2024

One organisation towers over all others in protecting kiwi values: Read More

The stain of the Blood Libel

Ashley Church- 09/04/2024

A revolting idea which has been around since the 12th century. Read More

The truth about the Gaza death toll

Ashley Church- 18/01/2024

A formidable counter to those who throw the word 'genocide' around. Read More