Category: NZ

The media obsession with X

Ashley Church- 09/05/2024

Why are tweets so popular with journalists? Read More

Is it time to unleash your real power?

Ashley Church- 07/05/2024

Why do we allow ourselves to be controlled by a small number of extremists? Read More

Lest we forget

Ashley Church- 25/04/2024

Why do we remember a battle that we did not win? Read More

Have we forgotten how bad things were?

Ashley Church- 17/04/2024

If Prime Minister Christopher Luxon had any hair I'm sure that he would be pulling it out by now. Read More

An Open Letter to the NZ Media

Ashley Church- 16/04/2024

You need to change if you hope to regain our trust Read More

A light in the woke darkness

Ashley Church- 10/04/2024

One organisation towers over all others in protecting kiwi values: Read More

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